Orlando Home Care | Comfort and Care Customized for You

If you’ve noticed that your loved one has an increasing need for assistance around the home but is still able to live on his or her own safely, home care could be a good option. As people seek to avoid having to leave home to receive needed care, in- home services like those provided by […]

How You Can Manage Depression

Everyone experiences feeling blue occasionally. It is natural and a huge part of life. However, when this becomes a routine and you tend to lose interest in activities you once enjoyed, it means that you need medical attention. In medical terms, you are suffering of a condition known as “Clinical depression.” Medical attention is necessary, […]

Orlando Home Care | Why Caregivers Need Respite Care

From Carrie Hill, PhD Caregivers who use respite care often tell me that although caregiving is one of the hardest jobs they’ve ever had, they wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Helping a family member or close friend who has Alzheimer’s disease can provide a sense of purpose and great satisfaction. Still, the emotional and physical […]

Diabetes In Older Adults

Diabetes is a serious disease. People get diabetes when their blood glucose level, sometimes called blood sugar, is too high. Diabetes can lead to dangerous health problems, such as having a heart attack or a stroke. The good news is that there are things you can do to take control of diabetes and prevent its […]

veterans pension benefits

Veteran’s pension benefits may be up to $2,984 each month, (tax free and will NOT affect Social Security) from the VA to help pay for home care! The Aid and Attendance program is federally funded for veterans and/or their surviving spouses. A study conducted by the National Care Planning Council indicated that less than 5% of eligible […]

Orlando Home Care | Who Needs Home Care?

How can you know when your parents need extra care? Doubts will start creeping in about whether they can manage the house, their money, and their health. Have you noticed any of these signs? Your parents don’t open their windows or blinds. Their hallways and walkways are cluttered. They don’t change light bulbs when they […]

Home Health Care | Altamonte Springs Florida (FL)

The 4 Stages of ALS- Lou Gehrig ’s Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a medical condition in which the upper motor neurons in the brain are degenerated, as well Specializes in alzheimer’s-dementia home care Dementia can happen to anyone, and often is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, which is why many refer to it as […]

Home Health Agency Florida | ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease Support

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. ALS leads to muscle weakening and affects the client’s ability to control voluntary movements, muscles and breathing. As the disease progresses, clients lose the ability to independently care […]