The 4 Stages of ALS- Lou Gehrig ’s Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a medical condition in which the upper motor neurons in the brain are degenerated, as well
Specializes in alzheimer’s-dementia home care Dementia can happen to anyone, and often is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, which is why many refer to it as Alzheimer’s dementia. The most common
Nursing Homes vs. Home Health Care Having children with disorders can be the most heartbreaking experience for parents. Sometimes, parents have to make the painful decision of choosing nursing homes
No Better Health Partners than Partners in Health Care, Orlando The first name that comes up when people look for the best home care in Orlando is Partners in Health Care.
How you can be helping Seniors avoid social isolation Over the years, research has proven time and time again the benefits of having an active social life. Furthermore, it has
Breakthrough Holistic Strategies for Aging Gracefully Getting older is beyond our control; how our minds and bodies age truly isn’t. By strategically considering our practical options for countering the negative
Ways to Reduce Memory Loss Do you arrive at the grocery store only to find that you’ve forgotten what you needed? Do you lose your car keys frequently? If so,
Often adult children struggle with how to manage remote caregiver guilt. Guilt is an extremely common feeling when it comes to caring for an elderly parent, and while in some
Millions of people around the world suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The Mayo Clinic describes the condition as a type of depression that occurs at the same time every
What does age-related memory loss look like? How Can You Be Sure It Isn’t Anything Serious? A lot of us wonder about the exact nature of the memory problems that