Orlando Home Care | Home Care Orlando, FL: June Is Home Safety Month For Seniors
Seniors are twice as likely to sustain injuries or death in their home. June is home safety month for seniors and a good time to make sure a home where a senior resides is as free from risks as possible. Falls at home may cause serious injuries to the elderly. While every fall or potential […]
Orlando Home Care | Risk of Abuse by Caregivers
Risk of Abuse by Caregivers Many times the abuser is a family member who is providing unpaid care to the vulnerable person. A caregiver is more at risk of being an abuser if he or she: Has personal problems such as alcohol or medication abuse, mental or emotional illness, physical health problems, or low self-esteem. […]
Orlando Home Care | Foods that Fight Aging
When it comes to choosing what to put on your plate, there is no denying that some options offer more benefits than others. The right combination of vitamins and nutrients in certain foods can contribute to an all-around healthier lifestyle and work to keep the signs of aging at bay. Better yet, many of these […]
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Colorectal cancer is cancer of the colon or rectum. It is equally common in men and women. An estimated 146,970 people were diagnosed in 2009, and an estimated 9,920 people will die from the disease. With recommended screening, this cancer can be prevented (by removing polyps before they become cancerous) or detected early, when it […]
Orlando Home Care | Osteoporosis: The Bone Thief
Helen grew up on a farm in the Midwest. She drank lots of milk as a child. She also walked a lot. After graduating from high school, she got married and found a job. Family and work kept her too busy to exercise. Helen went through menopause at age 47. At age 76, she was […]
Orlando Home Care | You Only Need To Cut Down On a Few Things To Help an Incontinence Problem
Incontinence can be a terrible hassle. If you find yourself needing to visit the toilet three or four times an hour to head off any chances of embarrassment, it might occur to you that you could drink less water so that you won’t have to excuse yourself for a toilet break as often. Unfortunately, this […]
Malnutrition in Toddlers & Infants
Malnutrition in Toddlers & Infants is one of the most common problems in children even in the developed countries. There are about 2.9 million children in the United States alone who suffer from this problem since birth and later on in the early ages. These children either do not eat at all or are limited to […]
Orlando Home Care | Epilepsy in the Elderly
Epilepsy, also known as seizures or attacks, is now very common among individuals in their sixties. A common course of treatment uses antiepileptic drugs which act as sedatives to the cognitive portion of the brain, where the seizures occur. Those who have surpassed the age of 60 are exposed to epilepsy because they are more […]
Medication Management |Home Health Care| Partners in Healthcare
Many older adults have multiple medications to take on a daily basis, and it can get tricky; a missed dose, an unfilled prescription, taking medications at the wrong time can lead to a decline in health and potentially serious complications. However, keeping track of prescriptions and maintaining proper medication adherence is easy with the help […]
Orlando Home Care | First Aid for Emergency Situations
When an emergency strikes, there’s no time to start researching how to respond. For your own safety and the safety of your friends and family, it’s a good idea to learn about emergency protocol and first aid methods. By learning in advance, you’ll ensure that you can respond quickly and appropriately if there’s ever an […]