Risk of Abuse by Caregivers
Many times the abuser is a family member who is providing unpaid care to the vulnerable person.
A caregiver is more at risk of being an abuser if he or she:
Has personal problems such as alcohol or medication abuse, mental or emotional illness, physical health problems, or low self-esteem. Was abused as a child, grew up in a household where violence was used to resolve disputes, or has a history of conflict with the older person. Is experiencing stresses such as marital conflict, unemployment, economic problems, lack of activities outside the home, or caring for both parents and children.
Lacks experience and skills as a caregiver, does not understand the older person’s disease, has little support from other family members, or has unrealistic expectations for being a caregiver. For more information from the Florida Area on Aging click here http://www.agingcarefl.org/aging/abuse/cgrisk.