Orlando Home Care | How to find Home Health Care Agencies for Seniors
How to Find Services for Seniors When you are looking to learn how to find Home Health Care Agencies for the Seniors in your life it can be challenging. Choosing the right agency is critical for your loved ones to remain safely in their own homes. Services are available for everything an older individual may need. […]
Orlando Home Care | Understanding the Differences in Care Options
Partners in Healthcare would like to be your trusted local resource for all your home care questions and needs. There are several models of home health care that offer different services and payment options. In this post, we’ll define these models in order to help you make an informed care choice. Private Duty Home Care […]
Orlando Home Care | Prepping for a Hospital Stay: Medication Sheet
Multiple medications can be difficult to keep track of, especially for older adults or those with cognitive disorders like dementia or Alzheimer’s. The best solution is to stay organized! Creating a medication sheet is a simple and effective way to organize daily prescriptions, keep track of when and how to take medications, and have easy […]
Orlando Home Care | Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Elderly
Unfortunately, the holiday season isn’t a happy time for everyone. In fact, the low light of fall and winter can bring on a type of clinical depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Oftentimes, SAD is dismissed as the “winter blues.” Seniors may also be experiencing depression this time of year as they remember happy […]
Orlando Home Care | Eye Care Advice for Aging Eyes in Altamonte Springs, Florida
(ARA) – Growing older and getting reading glasses seem to go hand in hand, just like getting gray hair or wrinkles as you age. But that doesn’t have to be the case if you take steps to care for your eyes as you age. Presbyopia, a natural effect of aging, happens to just about everyone […]
Orlando Home Care | Senior Online Gamers: Passing the Time and Fine-Tuning the Mind in Altamonte Springs, FL
Here is an interesting article that I found and wanted to pass along to you. For more assistance with an aging loved one in your life visit our website at www.partnersinhc.com. Farmville. Boggle Bash. Spades. Bejeweled Blitz. Scrabble. Mafia Wars. If you’re on Facebook, you probably recognize these games (and if you’re like me, you […]
Orlando Home Care | Let Partners in Healthcare Ensure Safety while Aging in Place
For relatives looking after loved ones who wish to age independently at home, thoughts of safety and security are never too far away. More and more seniors are choosing to age in place in the comfort of home instead of relocating to a nursing home or assisted living facility. However, as a person ages and […]
Orlando Home Care | Holiday Visits With Aging Loved Ones in Altamonte Springs, Florida
The holiday season is an ideal opportunity to check up on your aging parents. Here is a great article from agingcare.com. Visit us at www.partnersinhc.com for help with an aging loved one. Holiday Visits: A Time When Adult Children May Notice a Decline with Their Aging Parents As the holidays approach, many long distance caregivers are […]
Orlando Home Care | Tips for Surviving Through Migraine
Migraine headaches are extremely debilitating, they can occur all of a sudden and cause a lot of problems. Migraines are not just simple headaches, they are far more extreme, and require more care than normal headaches. With the following tips, you will be able to conquer migraines with complete ease! If you already suffer from […]
Orlando Home Care | phillips-lifeline-home-safety-services
Phillips lifeline offers a variety of services that help keep you or your loved one at home safely. Partners in Healthcare offers a free home assessment. When even after home safety recommendations are implemented you may need additional help. Personal Emergency Response System The first consideration is a Personal Emergency Response system such as Home […]