Orlando Home Care | Elderly Parents Living With Adult Children
It’s got to the point when your elderly parents can no longer cope on their own, and you and your partner believe that perhaps they should come and live with you. Even if all the parties involved are happy about the arrangement, it will be a time of great adjustment. There are certain things that […]
Orlando Home Care | The Perfect Holiday Caregiver: It’s all a state of mind in Orlando FL
The Perfect Holiday Caregiver: It’s all a state of mind December 8, 2010 The holidays are always a wonderful time of year for family gatherings, reflection on what we have and the spirit of giving. The television is packed with specials showing relationships and families coming together for the holidays. But the holidays can also […]
veterans pension benefits
Veteran’s pension benefits may be up to $2,984 each month, (tax free and will NOT affect Social Security) from the VA to help pay for home care! The Aid and Attendance program is federally funded for veterans and/or their surviving spouses. A study conducted by the National Care Planning Council indicated that less than 5% of eligible […]
Florida Home Health Agency | Technology
LOGICMARK FREEDOMALERT CALLS UP TO 4 NUMBERS (AND 911 IF CHOSEN) No Monitoring Fees, Service Charges or Contracts ever.FreedomAlert is your personal link to Family, Friends, or Emergency Personnel when needed. FreedomAlert allows you to program up to 4 numbers to be reached at the push of a button.With FreedomAlert – there are: No Activation Costs […]
Orlando Home Care | When it's Time to Stop Driving in Altamonte Springs, FL
Telling your loved one that it is time to take away the keys can be a very difficult thing. I found this article on senioradvice.com that gives some great advice on how to have that conversation. Here is an excerpt below, to read the full article Click Here. As people age, they become very sensitive […]
Orlando Home Care | Orlando, FL: Mental Health Awareness Month May 2011
Learn the 10 Tips to Improve Mental Wellness in Older Adults Retirement years should be a time of relaxation and enjoyment. But along with aging comes special challenges. Older adults who feel connected to others, manage stress well, keep physically healthy and participate in activities they enjoy improved mental health. Here are some ways to […]
Most Falls in the Elderly Happen in the Home
While some older people suffer falls and fractures in public buildings or outdoors, the majority of falls actually happen in the home. Older people who live alone are particularly susceptible. There are many factors that come into play when evaluating fall risk. Some of these issues relate directly to the home environment, itself. To prevent […]
Orlando Home Care | Home Care Orlando, FL: Who Is Gonna Care for the Aging Boomers?
by Shani O. Hilton “You can’t breathe, you can’t sleep,†said White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, as she described the stress of worrying about an aging parent who needs assistance, and explained the comfort she gets from knowing her own parents now have a live-in caregiver. Without that caregiver, Jarrett says that she would […]
Orlando Home Care | Understanding the Difference Between Cold and Flu Symptoms in Altamonte Springs, Florida
Is it a cold or the flu? Here’s how to tell. (ARA) – “My body aches and my head is throbbing. Do I have the flu or is it just because I’m stressed or tired? Do I need a flu shot? Do I need the H1N1 vaccine, too?” Millions of Americans, including the elderly, will […]
Orlando Home Care | React FAST to a Stroke in Altamonte Springs, Florida
May is Stroke Awareness Month, a good time to take stock of your risk factors and overall cardiovascular health. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of adult disability. Arm yourself with knowledge this May by talking to your doctor, considering a preventive stroke screening, and […]