Many people thank the home care is provided by Medicare.  I think the confusion comes about often due to learning of people that receive home care after a hospital stay

NIH-Funded Census Bureau Report: World’s Aging Population Growing “Dramatically” A recent U.S. Census Bureau report, “An Aging World: 2015”, found that the world’s aging population is growing at an “unprecedented

 Substance Abuse – A Growing Problem Among Seniors We don’t typically think of the elderly when we think of substance abusers, but unfortunately it seems that our senior population are

Nurse Registries compared to Home Health Agencies Many Florida Nurse Registries compared to Home Health Agencies have not been very forthcoming in disclosures to clients related to the scope of

Tips for Surviving Through Migraine Migraine headaches are extremely debilitating, they can occur all of a sudden and cause a lot of problems. Migraines are not just simple headaches, they

Specializes in alzheimer’s-dementia home care Dementia can happen to anyone, and often is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, which is why many refer to it as Alzheimer’s dementia. The most common

Home Health Agencies Offering Help in Orlando Do you have an elderly patient at home, and you have no idea on how to manage his or her medical condition? Are you

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common condition, especially in the elderly. This is a condition in which the bowel faces constipation or diarrhea due to the irregular movement

End of Life Care & its Importance The very crucial time in the life of seniors is the end of life stage, when their needs change. At that stage of

Presence of Eczema in the Elderly For those who are unaware of what eczema is, it is a chronic skin condition which can crop up during younger years. The causes