How does a home health agency meet seniors’ needs and address the above warning signs of dementia? And what is the result?

The reprieve from physical effort and mental stress that a personal-care provider offers is a health booster. This positive charge to your parents’ health can help to offset the rigors of age or the drain of chronic medical conditions. Keeping seniors healthier longer allows them to stay at home longer. When the familiar environment is safe, this living situation can be ideal.

A measure of personal control combined with support they can rely on—but don’t have to ask for—may be the greatest gift you can give your aging parents. Their quality of life will improve when a care assistant can reach a light fixture to change a bulb, open a window for fresh air, and make sure they eat right. Their self-esteem and confidence will be strong when, with a little help, they can be clean and their home tidy and presentable on a regular basis.

Avoiding Risks

These mood-enhancing services, however, are not just feel-good remedies. They also have practical safety and health benefits. Without personal care, your parents face many risks associated with their decline in mobility and vitality. Changing a light bulb or picking up newspapers off the floor can serve to prevent a fall. Having someone around when they are bathing means help will be there if they need it.

Once a crisis occurs, it may be difficult or impossible to regain an earlier level of health. The little tasks associated with personal care can stave off health problems from ingrown toenails to food poisoning and more serious threats. Avoid the risks of old age and preserve your parents’ good times with in-home personal care.

Our counselors and RNs at Partners in Healthcare are available to talk with you about your in-home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are a senior care agency providing elder care in Orlando, 407-788-9393.

Hank Charpentier, BSB, MBA, MA, Certified Senior Adviser