Making smarter food choices can add years to your life. The sooner we make this a habit the more lasting its effects will be. Countless variables factor into how long you’ll live. From the tip of your hair to the marrow in your bones, eating a nutrient packed diet will help slow the aging process and stave off age related diseases with an Anti-aging diet.
What to eat
Foods rich with antioxidants. They are primarily found in colorful fruits and leafy green vegetables such as blueberries, carrots, and apples. Fill half your plate with them, about 3 to 7 servings a day. Why are they so important? They prevent unstable molecules from compromising healthy cells.
The antioxidants zinc and beta-carotene help prevent macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness after the age of sixty. Consuming bright-colored produce, including corn, peppers, and oranges will also help your eyes. Another anti oxidant by the name of resveratrol, found in grapes and red wine, can lower the chances of you contracting cancer and heart disease. If you want your skin to look younger your best bet is Vitamin C. Eating lots of yellow and green vegetable can also prevent wrinkles.
Whole grains. Whole grains are rich in fiber and provide nutrients that are vital for our health. It can reduce your chances of developing chronic diseases as well such as type 2 diabetes and heart conditions. Plus it also aids digestion.
Olive Oil. 40 years ago researchers from seven different countries concluded that fats in olive oil are largely responsible for the low rates of heart diseases and cancer on the Greek island of Crete. Now we know that olive oil also contains powerful antioxidants that helps prevent age related diseases.
Fish. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish has many anti aging properties. It helps maintain a healthy heart, good memory, and reduces chances of strokes. If you want to prevent these ailments, eat fish at least twice a week such as salmon or tuna. If you don’t eat fish then ask your doctor if you should take fish oil supplements.
Dairy. Calcium and vitamin D found in dairy products are building blocks of strong bones and help prevent osteoporosis. The “good bacteria” found in yogurt helps maintain gut health and age related intestinal illness. Consuming low-fat instead of regular will also help keep your cholesterol levels in check. If you don’t eat dairy, look for other foods such as soy milk and cereals to compensate.
Nuts. Nuts are sources of healthy unsaturated fats, which offer benefits similar to olive oil. If you avoid nuts because they have high levels of fat, think again. If you are worried about the risk of high blood pressure associated with consuming nuts don’t be; you only need to eat ¼ of an ounce a day – that’s about 4 almonds.
While, including these foods in your diet, also try to avoid foods that harm your body. Go easy on high-fat meats and bakery treats, limit sugar as much as possible, and limit salt to exactly as much as you need. Over consumption of these items are main reasons behind every chronic medical condition you can think of. Eat healthy, live long.
The nurses at Partners in Healthcare are available to talk with you about your in-home senior care needs including how to eat healthy at home with RN managed affordable care. We are a private duty home care agency that provides elder home care serves in the Orlando area, call us at 407-788-9393.