Are you or an aging loved one at the point in your life where you are beginning to consider the readily available alternatives for elder care or some form of

Most seniors when questioned, state they would prefer to remain in their homes as long as is possible. Seniors who go to nursing home or other assisted type facilities are unusually not in need of complex medical care but rather are having difficulty taking care of their personal needs. Unfortunately many seniors become depressed and discouraged when they move to nursing homes.

By Maria M. Meyer and Paula Derr, Contributing Writers “Why doesn’t anyone ask how I am doing?†It is easy to feel invisible, as if no one can see you.

The Stand Up for Homecare campaign continues to generate positive public awareness about the value of homecare and key threats to homecare. Threats include the “competitive†bidding program and regulations

“There are only four kinds of people in this world. Those who have been caregivers, those who are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.†Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady

When A Loved One Needs In-Home Help By Kristen Gerencher, MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — The signs can hit you quickly or sneak up on you gradually. But what do

Arm yourself with the right stuff to combat that pesky little flu bug this year. By Noel Alonso, MD, FAAP, After Hours Pediatrics Urgent Care With the winter season upon

The Perfect Holiday Caregiver: It’s all a state of mind December 8, 2010 The holidays are always a wonderful time of year for family gatherings, reflection on what we have

Planning for Healthy Aging (ARA) – In just two short years, the first wave of baby boomers will turn 65. For some, this milestone birthday may signal retirement; for others

Outfitting Your Home For Elder Care by: Randy McIntire Over the next decade, an entire generation of baby boomers will begin to reach their golden years. For many of their