Orlando Home Care | Medication Safety

Medication safety was a concern for Jerry, age 71, heading home from the drug store with his latest prescription, he placed all his pill bottles on the kitchen counter and counted them. “I take five different medications, and you take four,” he said to his wife. “We need a system.  We need to know what medicines we […]

Alzheimer's Disease | Partners in Health Care| Orlando Florida

Bonnie Charpentier RN, Certified Dementia Practitioner Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease means facing unusual pressures and shouldering an enormous amount of responsibility. The job of a family caregiver can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. As the disease progresses, caregivers are called upon to adapt to constant change in both the patient […]

Winter Park FL: Home Care

Signs & Symptoms for Detecting Malnutrition in Toddlers & Infants When a couple is expecting, they take every possible measure to make sure that their new guest is healthy and Nursing Homes vs. Home Health Care Having children with disorders can be the most heartbreaking experience for parents. Sometimes, parents have to make the painful […]

Partners in Health Care of Orlando |Blog

Veteran’s Pension Benefits for Spouses too! Veteran’s pension benefits may be up to $2,984 each month, (tax free and will NOT affect Social Security) from the VA to help pay for home Many people thank the home care is provided by Medicare.  I think the confusion comes about often due to learning of people that receive home […]

Email Protection | Cloudflare

The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in […]

Orlando Home Care | Heart Rate Predicts risk

Proin lobortis tempus odio eget venenatis. Proin fermentum ut massa at bibendum. Proin bibendum non est quis egestas. Pellentesque at enim id enim tempus placerat. Etiam tempus gravida leo, et gravida justo bibendum non. Suspendisse vitae fermentum sapien.ed ac libero eget dolor consequat semper ac quis augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam […]

Orlando Home Care | Caregiver Central and Share the Care

A not-for-profit organization providing services that support Central Florida Family Caregivers since 1986. Share the Care, Inc., is a not-for-profit pioneer in Central Florida, developing and providing services and support to family caregivers in Orange and Seminole County communities for more than twenty-seven years. Share the Care is the largest provider of State-licensed adult day care in Central […]

Orlando Home Care | Staff or Management Application Form

Home // Staff or Management Application Form Staff or Management Application Form Please complete the following application form and attach a resume. Please answer each question in a complete and accurate manner, attach your resume, then click submit. Required fields are indicated by a ( * ). Our company is an equal opportunity employer and […]

In-Home Care in Orlando FL Including Mailtland and Apopka

Nurse Registry vs. Home Health Agency – Update The following is an update from Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration’s (AHCA) home care unit May of 2015, the following link Signs & Symptoms for Detecting Malnutrition in Toddlers & Infants When a couple is expecting, they take every possible measure to make sure that their […]